Artistically Trapped Lights

A Photographic Journey in Monochrome

Black-and-white photography, a timeless form of visual expression, relies on light, shadow, and composition to convey emotions. Here, I showcase my assortment of black-and-white mobile captures, taken through the ‘Hypocam’ app.

Roasted Hazelnuts and Peanuts with a Smoky Flair

Mumbai’s Nariman Point, with its bustling corporate hub and iconic skyline, holds a special place in the hearts of many people who have worked there. For me, it was not just a workplace but a source of cherished memories.

A delightful snack that became an integral part of my daily routine during my time in Mumbai. During office hours, my colleagues and I would take a break from our busy schedules to visit Press Journal Margt. My colleagues typically opt for tea, but my recommendation was the exquisite combination of roasted peanuts and hazelnuts. Yet, it wasn’t just a snack; it was an experience that tingled the senses. The smoky flavor crunch of the nuts created a symphony of delight for my taste buds.

The vendor would display an array of different nuts in a basket. And they create aromatic smoke around it. The nuts were sold in paper cones for a mere 2 to 5 rupees, depending on the quantity.

My personal preference was to combine both peanuts and hazelnuts. The smokey scent and the combination of variety nuts made it genuinely remarkable.

A Story through Optical Distortions

Train journeys often offer a unique perspective on life, one such memorable experience occurred during my train journey to Mumbai. The train was traveling slowly as it approached its destination and stopped at a small rural station, I was struck by the thoughtful scenario that was taking on around me. This is the story of a silent and abandoned station where nature and history gasped their secrets to me.

As my journey neared its destination, the time was almost ten in the morning and the atmosphere was heavy with darkness, created by the overcast sky after the recent rain. The cold weather added to the moody ambiance. The station platform was almost empty, with just a handful of travelers waiting on the platform. Amid this stillness, only a tea seller’s calls of “tea… tea…” from a distance was a stark contrast to the silence around.

My look shifted to an abandoned old building adjacent to the platform. It stood there like a silent sentinel. As I continued to stare at the old building, I felt as though it was trying to say something, sharing its pain and memories but nobody to listen. The building appears to have once been a significant and fascinating location where many historical memories were made. With its silent surroundings, this station came to represent the good old days that may be found even in this abandoned building.

Talking to Myself

Shadows have a deep emotional link to us; they may evoke a wide range of emotions and can take on a compelling role by reflecting our most profound thoughts and feelings.

One sunny afternoon in our office’s rooftop cafeteria, a broken chair was positioned in a corner. As the bright sunlight fell upon the chair, it gave rise to a shadow that conveyed a distinct visual of liveliness.

Long and stretching shadow can evoke a lively counter towords its object, and it appears to engage exchanging thoughts.

Mirroring Inner Bravery.

Our mindset and confidence are intimately linked, influencing how we approach challenges and opportunities in life. A positive mindset can boost confidence, while a lack of confidence can be a barrier to adopting positivity.

During an industrial photo shoot, It was around 8:30 am, and the sun cast a bright light. At this moment, a weary and anxious puppy approached me with a feeling of fear. I extended a welcoming gesture and engaged in a brief conversation, soothing its fears. Gradually, it seemed to sense that it had found a safe place in my presence and settled down near where I stood. It used to wag its tail in answer to my calls, a sign of happiness. But a sudden shift in its mood hinted that something was not quite right. I realized that another dog staring at it and barking from a distance was the source of its fear.

A top-angle view highlighting its vulnerability, while the shadow it cast on the ground is a witness to its inner confidentce.

Throughout the project, this brave puppy faithfully followed my every move around the premises. However, as time passed I lost sight of the little companion. We had a silent bond during our short meeting.

Visit: Instagram/artisticallytrappedlights
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